Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New to blogging, yet not.

Well, welcome to all those who are visiting my blog for the first time. Although I'm new to the official blogosphere, I've written in an online diary since 2000, so the concept of splashing my life all over a screen for others to peruse really isn't anything new to me.

I grew up in a very suburban and consumerist environment and only recently began attempting to live in a way closer to the way nature intended. My husband and I have moved into a house with enough acres to start a sizable garden and hopefully begin raising some livestock. We already compost and recycle, and are trying to learn how to better reduce our consumption and reuse what we already own. We feed our cats an all raw diet of chicken, chicken and more chicken (and some supplements).

The biggest challenge for me blogging right now is learning more HTML than the basics I already knew. The biggest challenge for me with natural living is finding the happy equilibrium between natural and within my price range. As a stay at home mom, we live off of my husband's income alone, plus whatever I can bring in through my freelance nature photography and whatever I'm able to sell during the growing season (produce, herbal teas, flowers). So sometimes organic isn't the easiest thing to do. I hope to share tips and tactics I've found for doing natural cheaper as I blog about life living in Maine, renovating a house and living a more natural and healthy life. I will feature these tips in the "tip of the day" at the end of each post.

I hope you enjoy this blog, and if you do, tell everyone you know! I firmly believe a more natural life is a healthier life.

Tip of the day: Spider plants are a virtually indestructible houseplant that can thrive even if neglected, will produce baby plants if well cared for, and will filter toxins out of your air. Find someone who has one already and see if it has babies to get a free starter plant. They can live indefinitely if well cared for.

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