Saturday, February 27, 2010

Quick tip!

We've been without power for about a day and a half and my husband is off at a fencing tournament, so I'm just going to have time for a quick tip so I can go get all the chores done that were put off because of the lack of electricity!

Tip of the day: A quick, nutritious and natural meal is the Italian caprese. If you eat dairy products, you take a roll of soft, fresh mozzarella cheese, and one or two nice ripe tomatoes. Slice the tomatoes and the mozzarella into 1/4" slices and alternate in a circle around a plate. Pour some extra virgin light tasting olive oil on top, then add some fresh basil leaves (or ground dried basil if you don't have fresh), cracked pepper and sea salt. You can eat it as is or dip it in balsamic vinegar. Enjoy with a fresh loaf of homemade bread! Yum!

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