Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Product Review: Moisturizer

Let me start off by saying I am not being endorsed by any company to advertise their products. Maybe I should be, then I could make some money doing this! No, this is free advertising for products I've found that work especially well and that I would like you to know about.

I have a perpetual problem with dry hands. I always have, since I was a child. I grew up using Johnson and Johnson Baby Lotion but in recent years I've tried to go more organic and natural. One problem I always had with Johnson and Johnson was that when I used it on my chapped knees, they would sting horribly for a while afterwards because of the chemicals in the lotion. But finally, I have found a lotion that not only doesn't make my hands sting if they're chapped, but it works wonderfully in all the ways that make a lotion great.

I use the Aubrey Organics unscented moisturizing lotion to keep my hands from getting chapped and dry, and most importantly, to prevent my most recent problem, onycholysis (the spontaneous detachment of the nail from the nail bed, usually caused by stress to the nail but in my case caused by constant hand washing from having a toddler and a baby with reflux). We originally bought the lotion for my husband as it was unscented and doesn't leave that excessively greasy feeling you get with so many other lotions. But when my fingertips started to split because of the dry winter air and washing my hands all the time, I started using it because it was the only lotion in the house that didn't make my fingertips sting. Since then I've grown to love how soft it leaves my hands without leaving them greasy and unusable. It leaves behind a silky feeling and no scent, so it won't become overwhelming if you use it regularly.

If you're interested in checking out the unique ingredients that Aubrey Organics using you can find them here in the product description. I buy my lotion at our local natural goods store, but you can buy Aubrey Organics at most stores that carry natural healthy products or online at sites like Amazon.

Tip of the day: If you suffer from dry hands like I do, one trick that works well is to cover your hands in almond or apricot oil before bed. Then put on light cotton gloves to keep the oil from getting on your sheets and to help hold in the moisture. In the morning your hands should be in much better shape!

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